Global Trade Solutions differentiates itself as a premier entity among Turkey trading companies, excelling in international commerce. Our expertise spans across diverse aspects of global trade, from strategic sourcing to seamless logistics, marking us as a top choice in the industry. As a standout among Turkey trading companies, we offer customized, end-to-end solutions that address each facet of international trade.
Our team, skilled in market dynamics and trade regulations, positions us uniquely among Turkey trading companies. We are committed to delivering excellence, ensuring our clients achieve optimal outcomes in their trading ventures. With Global Trade Solutions, engage in trade that’s not only profitable but also efficient and reliable. Our dedication to client success and innovation cements our role as your strategic partner in conquering global markets.
Wall crochet (z type) - MAUNTING CUPS
Part No:LG-4C.23.303.P.G
Conductor Fixing Material:PVC
Conductor Dimension (mm):30x3 mm Strip Conductor
Weight (kg):0,094 Kg
Parcel Weight:14,40 Kg
Üretilen standlarımızın sevkıyatında yer kaplamaması adına demonte olarak gönderim sağlıyoruz. Ahşap malzemeden imal edilen ahşap standlar ürün tadımı, ürün tanıtımı, ürün satışı amaçlı marketlerde, alışveriş merkezlerinde ve mağazalarda kullanılmaktadır.
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Çilem Polat Adana da İhracat Personelidir.
Adana İhracat Personeli
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Turkey’s closeness to major market countries in terms of its production capability and geographical location provides a significant advantage in apple exports to these countries.
Golden Delicious: This sweet and crisp apple is a favorite for both eating and cooking. It has a yellow-green skin and is known for its juicy flesh and honey-like flavor.
Gala: This apple is a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Kidd’s Orange Red. It is sweet and juicy, with a red and yellow skin. It is a good choice for eating fresh or using in salads.
Red Delicious: This apple is known for its bright red skin and sweet, crisp flesh. It is a popular choice for eating fresh and is also used in baking and cooking.
Granny Smith: This apple is a favorite for making pies and other baked goods. It is tart, crisp, and has a green
We coordinate activities and communications, negotiations between your company and your supplier, vendor, customer in Turkey.
We prepare and deliver verbal communication, interviews, phone calls and face-to-face meetings.
We can act as a primary point of contact for your new and existing businesses.
We will represent your company
Has high energy and nutritional value
In addition to the vitamins, minerals and trace minerals it contains, the organic (chelated) compounds it contains, in continuous use, minimizes the risk of diseases and illness in animals.
With its natural smell, it will increase the appetite of your animals and increase their use of feed.
Thanks to its special formulation, you will notice the change in the fur and feces of your animals.
ذات قيمة عالية من الطاقة والغذاء
بالإضافة إلى الفيتامينات والمعادن والمعادن التي يحتويها ، فإن المركبات العضوية (المخلَّبة) التي تحتوي عليها ، في الاستخدام المستمر ، تقلل من خطر الإصابة بالأمراض والأمراض التي تصيب الحيوانات.
برائحته الطبيعية ، سيزيد من شهية حيواناتك ويزيد من استخدامها للأعلاف.
بفضل تركيبته الخاصة ، ستلاحظ التغيير في الفراء والبراز لحيواناتك.
fark yaratan değer katan,
satışı hızlandıran çalışmalar yapıyoruz.
Otomotivden inşaata, gıdadan eğitime
ulusal ve uluslararası markalarla çalışıyoruz.
Top tile type crochet - MAUNTING CLIPS
Part No:LG -4C .22 .150.P.G
Diameter (mm):2 " Pole
Conductor Dimension (mm):1 x 08 mm Round
Weight (KG):0,168 kg
Box Guantity:50 Unit
Parcel Weight:8,7 Kg
Liva Solar Powered and Bluetooth Controlled Active Lightning Rod is sold in a set. The list of materials in the set is given below.
Order Code:LAP-AX 210 BC
Product Name:Liva Solar Energy And Bluetooth Controlled Active Lightning Rod
At Value:82
Box Dimensions:Variable
Level 1:101
Level 2:115
Level 3:124
Level 4:135
Tile type crochet - MAUNTING CLIPS
Part No:LG-4C.21.303.P.G
Diameter (mm):2" Pole
Conductor Fixing Material:PVC
Conductor Dimension (mm):30x3 mm Strip
Weight (KG):0,203 kg
Box Guantity:50 Unit
Parcel Weight:10,45 Kg
LAPPEX 220T Active Lightning Rod is designed as an export product. For this reason, its physical properties and test setups are different from Domestic
Product LAPPEX 220 Active Lightning Rod.
Lightning rod's pole crochet - MAUNTING CLIPS
Part No:LG -4 C .2 2 .2 5 0 .P .G
Diameter (mm):2" Pole
Conductor Fixing Clamp:PVC
Conductor Dimension (mm):2 x 0 8 mm Round Conductor
Weight (KG):0 ,1 4 k g
Box Guantity:50 Unit
Parcel Weight:8,7 Kg
Metal standlar , satış noktalarındaki dayanıklılığı, uzun ömürlü olması, elegant görünümleri özelliklerinin yanında, en ağır ürünleri yüksek oranda stoklayabilmeleri ve dış mekanda da kullanılabilmeleri özellikleri ile en çok tercih edilen standlardır.